Finding the perfect fishing spot never seems easy. When off-shore fishing in deep waters aboard a boat: the hunt for the perfect fishing hole is even more infinite! Rob DiNoto curbs some of the challenge for beginner saltwater/off-shore fishermen this summer by recommending his three favorite areas for setting out for some deep sea fishing:
Puget Sound — Seattle, Washington
If you’re out on the West Coast, be sure to check out Puget Sound in Seattle, Washington. This is one of off-shore fisherman Rob DiNoto’s all-time favorite locations! Enjoy the City of Seattle for all the art, culture and excitement.. And then set out on the water to target some halibut or salmon. That sounds like a perfect summer day to DiNoto! Puget Sound has waters as deep as 900 feet, making it an excellent spot for off-shore deep sea fishing activities.
Venice, Louisiana
The City of Venice, Louisiana is plentiful with unique fisheries and charter launches. So it comes as no surprise that Venice would make off-shore fisherman Rob DiNoto’s list of favorite deep sea fishing locations! This is a great place to catch red snapper and grouper. Not far at all from New Orleans, Venice is a great place to visit for some summer fun on the land as well.
Nantucket Shoals — Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Last but not least, Rob DiNoto’s favorite East Coast off-shore/deep sea fishing location is: the Nantucket Shoals! Located on Cape Cod, the Shoals make for a great location to catch an array of fish including: bluefish, cod, striped bass, haddock, bluefin tuna and so many more!
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